Status Quo’s John Coghlan: Quo Re-imagined | Stoke Row
Wed 8 Feb | Status Quo’s John Coghlan: Quo Re-imagined | Alex Steel keys, Paul Jefferies upright double bass, Ben Holder jazz violin, John Coghlan percussion, chat & stories | The Crooked Billet, Newlands Ln, Stoke Row RG9 5PU | Arrive 6.30pm, 7pm latest | Music 7 – 10.30pm | Full regular menu, £30 music cover charge | For further information, tickets & table reservations contact the Crooked Billet, Stoke Row 01491 681048 / 682304 or
Performing jazz interpretations of Quo’s hits and rarities along with favourite jazz standards. JC, original iconic Status Quo founder member, recorded the first 14 Quo albums, all those massive 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s hits including ‘Down the Dustpipe’, ‘Caroline’, ‘Down Down’, ‘Rockin’ All Over The World’, ‘Whatever You Want’…